As a long-time supporter of an open Internet, Data Foundry will join forces with many other technology companies on the local and national levels to stop the FCC from doing away with the current Open Internet Order. The official Battle for the Net day of protest is July 12. However, Data Foundry is taking many additional courses of action to see to it that major cable companies don’t limit our choices more than they are already limited. Yesterday we signed a letter to the FCC to show our support of smaller Internet Service Providers in their ongoing struggle with cable giants.
The letter voices ISPs’ support of the Open Internet Order and current Title II classification. Classifying ISPs as common carriers under Title II of the Telecommunications Act subjects these companies to regulation as if they were utilities. Without these regulations, telecom giants would have more power to stifle competition, not only in the broadband market, but in the world of content streaming and apps as well through actions like throttling, blocking sites and implementing paid fast lanes. Over 40 ISPs signed the letter of support, including Brazos WiFi, Hubris Communications and Telnexus.
Supporters of reversing net neutrality rules have argued that the regulations hurt the broadband market, and that they caused a drop in investment. In our letter to the FCC, ISPs come together to say that they have not experienced this: “We have encountered no new additional barriers to investment or deployment as a result of the 2015 decision to reclassify broadband as a telecommunications service and have long supported network neutrality as a core principle for the deployment of networks for the American public to access the Internet.”
The letter also states, “The federal courts have made it very clear that network neutrality depends on the FCC maintaining that broadband is a telecommunications service and that other approaches have already failed as a legal matter. We have always supported a neutral network approach to the Internet and see no reason why it should not be required as a matter of law.”
In addition to this letter to the FCC, Data Foundry is developing a brief in coalition with Golden Frog and Giganews in support of net neutrality and an open Internet. Other organizations are welcome to provide their input.
As one of the first 50 ISPs in the U.S., we understand the benefits an open Internet provides to all. The Open Internet Order plays an important role in supporting American ideals such as innovation, free speech and fair competition.
We believe in the power of choice and encourage everyone to show their support of net neutrality by participating in Battle for the Net’s day of protest on July 12. Share the news on social media and contact your congressman.